The Animation programs at Sheridan are known the world over for the creative excellence of our graduates and faculty. The Bachelor of Applied Arts in Animation (BAA) degree transforms the Animation – Classical diploma previously offered by Sheridan, and joins it with elements of the Computer Animation Graduate Certificate to provide students with a comprehensive, industry-ready skill set.
Quesnelle Flipbook has a quick learning curve and great ease of use, but gives the student the creative flexibility they require to produce a quality film. And Flipbook is inexpensive enough to allow many of our students to purchase their own copy so they can work at home and keep up with there tight schedules. And we always get free technical support from DigiCel. Quick pencil testing and adjusting of the timing with FlipBook lets me give each student instant feedback on their animation. In turn this helps the student meet due dates for projects and produce the best possible performance. Of all of the animation software that I have used, I have found Flipbook to be the fastest in image production for cel painting and camera compositing and with it’s intuitive interface and ease of use, my students are given the opportunity to produce unique stories with stunning visuals that prepare them for the professional world of animation.
Dave Quesnelle