Custom Color Palettes
Painting with colors from custom palettes is ideal for animation. Because even after you've painted the entire scene, you can still change any of the colors in all the drawings of the scene just by changing the colors in the palette. So if you've painted two hundred frames of your star character with the wrong hair color, one simple change to the palette will fix all two hundred frames instantly. And for large productions you can have "Master Palettes" so your palette changes can be applied to every scene that uses that master palette.
You can also pick colors directly from the background to add them to the palette, making it easy to get exactly the colors you want. Just select the square in the palette where you want the color to go and press the shift key while you click on the color in BG the with the Eyedropper.
And for big productions, you can also save a palette outside the scene and use it as a master palette for several scenes so any change to that palette can be reflected into any of the scenes that use it.