FlipBook 5 for Windows
is Available Now!
Time and Money with Paperless Animation!
Eliminate the high cost of animation paper and
save the time it takes to shoot your roughs and scan your
clean-ups. FlipBook 5 lets you draw
right into the computer with
awesome results. Our new drawing engine produces Excellent Line
Quality with the look and feel of natural pencil lines with complete
control over both thickness and darkness when drawing with a Wacom
Graphics Tablet or Cintiq.
And our New Light Box Features make animating easier
than ever by automatically showing you all the reference drawings you
want. You can set it to show you either or both of the two preceding
key frames and either or both of the following key frames for in-betweening
or pose to pose animation. It lets you see up to five previous drawings for animating straight ahead.
And it will even keep track of the current image in up to four other
levels so you can always see your layout and any other levels you
need to make sure your animation is always perfectly registered.
Stop Motion & Cut-Out Animation Has Never Been This Easy!
our Onion Skin feature to see previous frame and the live frame at
the same time. Or you can Step Back through the drawings you’ve
already captured and then right into a live frame to see how it’s
going to look added on to the animation you’ve already shot.
Our new Loop Capture feature lets you watch the scene loop
with the live camera image added onto the end of the scene so you
can always see exactly how the scene will play with the next frame
And, whether you’re posing 3 dimensional characters or flat paper
cut-outs, our new Color Keying features let you super-impose your
animation over the top of live action video or 2D or 3D animation.
You can even display live action video behind the animation as you
shoot it so you
can use the live action to help you pose the animation.
Lip-Sync and Track Reading is Now Easier Than Ever!
FlipBook 5 comes with a standard mouth drawing for every letter of
the alphabet. All you have to do is select the square in the xsheet
and press any letter key on the keyboard and the appropriate mouth
drawing will be inserted into the xsheet. Then you can slide the
drawing up or down while the scene is playing to make sure the
lip-synch is absolutely perfect. And you can replace our mouth
drawings with your own to match your own creative style.
Direct Link to Maya
Version 5 also comes with a MEL Script that connects FlipBook to
Maya to help you improve your timing and your key poses. With the
MayaLink script you can automatically Export Key Frames from Maya to
FlipBook where you can adjust the timing while the scene plays and
updates in real-time. When you’ve found the best positions for your
key frames you can import the new improved timing back into Maya
where your keys automatically move to the correct frames.
You can also Draw Changes to Key Frame Poses in
FlipBook and Import the Pose Changes Back into a Maya Image Plane.
This is a big help for studios and schools because it lets the
directors and the teachers show the animators and the students
exactly how to change the key frames to make the animation better.
Export QuickTime Movies
FlipBook 5 now supports QuickTime so you can export your
scenes as QuickTime movies. Additional QuickTime related features like
import and export with more file formats will soon be available in free
New Interface Features
Tool Bar - The Tool Bar can now be customized to include just the icons you
want to use making all your frequently used functions easier to get to
without taking up a lot of extra space.
When you click on Frame Number FlipBook switches into Play Mode and displays
the selected Frame.
The Page Up & Page Down keys now take you to the next and previous image
while you're in editing mode.
A and D keys step back and forth like the cursor keys in play mode.
The Home & End keys go to
the beginning and end of the scene
whether you're in play mode or edit mode.
Automatic Crash Recovery
In case of a power failure FlipBook 5 now recovers and opens the scene you were
working when the power went out.
Download FlipBook 5
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